Xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value='Header 1',level=1, color='black') Sheet <- xlsx::createSheet(wb, sheetName = 'example1') Possible values are 0 (default value, no underline), 1 (underline with one line), 2 (underline with two lines)
It is a java-based solution and can be used to read and write both xls and xlsx file formats. xlsx package: This is my favorite package to read, write and format Excel files in R.XLConnect package : XLConnect is a java-based solution, so it is available for Windows, Mac and Linux.RExcel software : This is a powerful tool that can be used to execute directly R code from an Excel spreadsheet but it is available for windows only.xlsReadWrite package : For Windows only and there is no longer an updated version of xlsReadWrite package.gdata package: it is available for Windows, Mac and Linux but it requires the installation of additional perl libraries.ODBC connection: For Windows only and it requires the Excel ODBC driver.There are many R packages and solutions to import data from Excel to R and to export data from R to Excel: Many solutions to read and write Excel files using R softwareĮxcel files are used by many people to save and analyze their data.